
Things You Can Do While You’re Considering/ Waiting For An Appointment

Sonny Jane @livedexperienceeducator

    • How is my mood?

    • How is my energy?

    • How is my breathing?

    • How is my focus?

    • How is my body doing?

    • What’s something I can do today that would be good for me?

    • Eat nourishing food

    • Balance sleep and activity

    • Reduce mood altering substances

    • Drink water

    • Schedule actual breaks

    • Stretching/ Movement breaks

    • Practice self-acceptance and self-compassion

    • Gently remind yourself of the times that you have felt different to now

    • Get curious about any self-criticisms of your own emotions

    • Notice everyday experiences

    • Consider logical outcomes before acting on painful feelings

    • Be thoughtful about what stressors you may need to try to step away from while resting

    • Dive into special interests and activities that make you feel good

    • If you feel unable to be alone, ask a friend or family member if they can stay with you

    • Let someone you know you may need support

    • Choose to be with people who are positive and nourishing

    • Try to wait before acting on urges to push away people who care about you

    • Curate social media

    • Set and respect healthy boundaries

    • Have sensory breaks

    • Wear comfortable clothing

    • Avoid busy places

    • Use sunnies or headphones

    • Explore a new body movement

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